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Teachers attend PAFPC Conference
WBA Title Teachers
Keli Shanahan, Reading Specialist (left) and Sandy Marinko, Title I Math Teacher (right) participate in a workshop during the 2020 PAFPC Title I Improving School Performance Conference. The theme of this year’s conference is A 2020 Vision: Shaping Our Students’ Futures. The theme directly reflects the purpose of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 and the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s goals in ensuring that every student has the supports needed to be successful and prepared for college and/or career opportunities. 

The primary goal of the 2020 conference was to provide learning opportunities on the most up-to-date educational research, strategies, and best practices to build the capacity of Pennsylvania educators, as well as provide networking opportunities for conference participants.

By providing sessions on effective practices, participants learned about proven strategies that have had a positive academic impact in schools and districts across the Commonwealth. By focusing on key areas, participants were provided with fundamental information necessary to meet the continuing challenges facing educators and students in Pennsylvania.