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Kistler 2017 Pumpkin Patch and Hayride
 Students in grades K-3 recently participated in our annual pumpkin patch and hayride. Students listened to the story "Spookley the Square Pumpkin" as part of October's National Bullying Prevention Month. They also participated in these fun activities:
Pumpkin Volcano- Students use baking soda, dish soap, and vinegar to make a volcano erupt inside of a pumpkin. 

Sink/Float- Students predict which common classroom objects will float and which will sink. They test their predictions. Students then predict if the large pumpkin will sink/float.

Snack Station- Students enjoy hot chocolate and a cookie.

Pumpkin Playdough- Students get to make shapes out of the pumpkin playdough. Students are encouraged to try to make a pumpkin and to make the letter "P" with the pumpkin playdough. Pumpkin playdough was made with pumpkin puree and corn starch. 

Students also were able to pick a pumpkin and paint it. 
Special thanks to Farmer Serafini for planning this fun week!