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Mrs. Corcoran's Gifted Science Website

Science is Fun

Welcome to Gifted Science

My name is Mrs. Yvonne Corcoran, and I will be your child’s gifted support science teacher this year. I am excited about teaching your child, and I know that our school year will be productive.
Let me tell you a little about our science curriculum. Wilkes-Barre Area’s Science curriculum is inquiry based in which students learn skills through observation, inference, and experimentation. During our science lessons, your child will be asking questions, planning and conducting investigations, using appropriate tools and techniques to gather data, thinking critically and logically, constructing and analyzing alternative explanations, and communicating scientific arguments. The science curriculum is a hands-on approach to learning.
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Science Fair

13th Annual Solomon-Plains Elementary Science Fair

Solomon-Plains Elementary 13th annual science fair will be held in early May from 6:00 to 8:00. 
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Remind 101

Dear Parents,
Each school year I try to find new ways to stay connected with parents/guardians regarding vital information. One thing that students consistently struggle with is remembering assignments they need to complete, materials they need to bring to class, and upcoming tests they need to study for. My goal is to provide parents greater access to this information by sending reminders by way of the remind101.
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6th Grade Frog Dissection

Frog Dissection The sixth grade students have an opportunity to dissect frogs. I feel this will be a great experience since we are currently in the discipline of Life Science. Before we dissect, the students will be learning about the internal workings of the frog and completing a virtual dissection of a frog on the computer. This will get them ready for the actual dissection. If any student feels at any time they do not want to actively participate in the dissection, they do not have to. Please contact me at school 826-7222 if you have any questions or concerns.

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