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Police Operations Department Contacts

To contact personnel, please call 570-826-7111 and enter the appropriate extension.
Police Administration
Carl Gembitski, Chief of Police Operations, Administration Building (Ext. 1124)
School Police Officers
School Police Sergeant Brett Smith, Wilkes-Barre Area High School (Ext. 8211)
Officer Mark Phillips,  Wilkes-Barre Area High School 
Officer Michelle Moore, Wilkes-Barre Area High School

 Officer Kaitlyn Camillocci,  Solomon/Plains Complex (Ext. 3625)

Officer Jeffrey Lutz, G.A.R. Middle School (Ext. 5107)

Officer Barry Jacob, Dodson at Mackin Elementary (Ext. 2307)

Officer Jim Sheridan, Kistler Elementary (Ext. 7124)

Officer Ed Mishanski, Dan Flood Elementary (Ext. 4165)

Officer David Sobocinski, Heights Elementary (Ext. 6108)

Police Operations Department

The Wilkes-Barre Area School District recognizes the need for intervention and prevention in an effort to reduce crime among juveniles in school-based settings.  The issue of creating safe schools is a concern shared by the community.  Children find it difficult to learn and teachers cannot teach if violence is present in their schools.  Our children and our teachers have a right to expect their schools to be safe and to be a place where individuals are not threatened, intimidated or victimized.

To meet that need the District has placed ten full-time school police officers (SPO) into the Wilkes-Barre Area School District. The District's School Police Department's sole mission is to enhance the safety and security of all schools within the District.

All school police officers serving the department are graduates of the Pennsylvania Municipal Police Officers Academy and have accumulated many years of experience in the law enforcement field.  Serving proudly, they are committed to protecting and serving the school community and its stakeholders.