2022-2023 Transportation information is available in Skyward Family Access. Transportation information for the majority of students will be the same as last year however, we strongly encourage parents to log-in to the Skyward Family Access portal in case there was a change. In addition, parents of new students and students transitioning to a new school should log-in to check bus numbers, pick-up times, and locations.
- The link to the Skyward Family Access portal can be located by clicking on Family and Student Resources under Quick Links on the webpage.
- For additional questions regarding Skyward access and transportation please contact your child’s school.
The transportation link will note the following information;
- if your child walks or rides a bus to school.
- the bus number.
- the bus stop location.
- The time of pick up and drop off.
Students should be at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to their designated pick up time.