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Mrs. DeMellier

7th & 8th Grade Development Reading

Mrs. DeMellier's 7th and 8th Grade Developmental Reading are courses that are aligned to the Common Core Standards.  The courses are designed to help students develop independent reading skills that will enhance comprehension and the ability to utilize the information read. 

Some of the reading skill learned will include reading and following directions, finding the central ideas and supporting details, analyzing text structure, locating relevant information, defining words using various vocabulary skills, drawing conclusions, and making inferences. 

The development of these reading skills is necessary to begin mastering higher order thinking skills which can be carried over to all other subject area reading as well as any independent reading. 
Classroom Rules
2015-2016 Rules and Procedures
The Fault in our Stars

Mrs. DeMellier's Monthly Book Pick

The Fault In Our Stars
by John Green
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Self-Selected Reading Fridays

Most Fridays students will read from a novel that they select according to their own interests.  Real world readers do not wait for a teacher or any other person to tell them what to read.  The students will write a brief summary of the days reading.  See the attached article for benefits of self-selected reading.


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Scholastic Magazine Subscriptions

I have subscribed to three Scholastic Classroom Magazines. These magazines are accessible through the website. The website provides digital copies of the magazine along with videos, activities, quizzes, games and more all aligned to the Common Core Standards all free for your use at home.

7th Grade Novels

Each quarter we will read a novel in class in addition to the self-selected novels. 

8th Grade Novels

Each quarter we will read a novel in class in addition to the self-selected novels. 

Upcoming Events

Contact Information

 Denise DeMellier
(570) 826-7224
between 7:25-7:50 am
between 2:15-3:15 pm

Facts About Reading

  • Across the world, children who read the most, read the best.  That includes all social levels-rich or poor, urban or suburban.  Among all incomes, the more they read at home, the higher they scored in literacy tests. 
  • A child needs reading in order to master other subjects.  It’s extremely difficult to do word problems in math if you can’t read the words.  How can you answer the questions in social studies if you can’t read and understand the textbook? 
  • Reading at home is extremely important.  A child spends 900 hours a year in school and 7800 hours at home.  Reading research shows that children who come from homes with the most print resources- books, magazines, and newspapers- have the highest reading scores. They also use the library more than those with lower scores.
  • There is a strong connection between over-viewing of TV by children and under-achieving in school. Simply put: those who watch the most TV, know the least. Research shows that up to 10 TV hours a week has no impact on children’s grades, but beyond that the grades decline.

Book Buying Sites

ELA Glossary