To contact specific personnel, please call 570-826-7111 and enter the appropriate extension.
Main Office: Extensions 8101, 8105
Administration & Office Personnel
Michael Grebeck, 12th Grade Principal, x 8103
Colleen Robatin, 11th Grade Principal, x 8106
Christopher Anthony, 10th Grade Principal, x8104
Rob Watkins, 9th Grade Principal, x 8239
Hal Gabriel, Cyber School Administrator, x 2110
Erik O'Day, Assistant Principal, x 8153
Sandy Elmy, School Secretary, x 8101
Cheryl Covert, School Secretary, x 8105
Guidance Office
Diane McFarlane, 12th Grade Guidance Counselor, x 8160
Cindy Gavin, 11th Grade Guidance Counselor, x 8163
Bryan Smith, 9th and 10th Grade Guidance Counselor, x 8162
Jill Saporito, Special Programs Counselor, x 8161
Kris Bergold, Guidance Secretary, x 8110
Jayne Nargoski, Guidance Secretary, x 8111
Health/Nurse's Office
Maura Mattick, School Nurse, x 8151
Sara Woznack, School Nurse, x 8150
Judy Hislop, Aide x 8321
Wayne Waslasky, 12th Grade Home and School Visitor
Simon Peter, 10th and 11th Grade Home and School Visitor
Brian Leighton, 9th Grade Home and School Visitor
Brett Smith - Supervisor, School Resource Officer, x 8211
Mark Phillips, School Resource Officer
Michelle Moore, School Resource Officer