Bergold, Kristen
Guidance Secretary
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8110
Covert, Cheryl
Main Office Secretary
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8105
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8101
Grebeck, Michael
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8103
Hanson, Corry
Athletic Director
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8328
Leighton, Brian
Home and School Visitor
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8113
Mattick, Maura
School Nurse
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8151
McFarlane, Diane
Guidance Counselor
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8160
Nargoski, Jayne
Guidance Secretary
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8111
Rabel, Ed
Teacher of Visually Impaired
Robatin, Colleen
Office: 570-826-711 x 8106
Saporito, Jill
Guidance Counselor
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8161
Smith, Bryan
Guidance Counselor
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8162
Watkins, Mr. Robert
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8239
Welgosh, Jennifer
School Psychologist/Guidance Counselor
Office: 570-826-7111 x 1149
Woznock, Sara
School Nurse
Office: 570-826-7111 x 8150
Yanniello, Lauren
Teacher of Speech Correction