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Title II, Part A

Title II, Part A, is a 100% federally funded supplemental educational program that provides financial assistance to improve the skills of teachers and the quality of instruction in core academic subjects in public and private elementary and secondary schools.

Title II, Part A, combines the Eisenhower and Class-Size Reduction programs into one program that focuses on preparing, training, and recruiting and hiring highly qualified teachers.

Contact Us

For more information regarding Federal Programs in the Wilkes-Barre Area School District, contact

Miss Michele A. Williams
Director Federal Programs
570-826-7111 x 1122

Mrs. Linda Kulikowich
Federal Programs Secretary
570-826-7111 x 1122

Mrs. Sandy Atherton
Title I Coordinator 
570-826-7111 x 5104

Dr. Leah Zigmund
Federal Programs Coordinator
570-826-7111 x 1145